Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reasons Why I Need My Own Space!

I guess that extra X chromosome is to blame again for my obsession with all things lovely. So naturally,  interior decor would inspire me every bit as much as fashion and stylish women. I seriously can't wait for my own space, whether it is a tiny little studio or a shabby little apartment, I will make it beautiful! There are seriously enddddlesssss ways to make something amazing from almost nothing. Thanks to Pinterest, I have so many crafty ideas I cannot wait to utilize in order to turn old furniture into colorful and chic pieces. If you are in a design rut, definitely peruse the DIY/Crafts, and Home Decor sections of Pinterest, as you will be amazed how inexpensive it can be to totally transform a room using what you already own in addition to a few craft supplies! Besides, the pride you get from creating custom pieces and decorating your own space is well worth the time and effort. Be creative, and be inspired!  

My interior design taste is very eclectic, I think that comes with being a Gemini. (We can't stick to just one thing!) I like a lot of character and personality in my space, and I need to feel inspired, so surrounding myself with a plethora of paintings, books, and other small accessories are essential. Remember, it is all in the details; a room must have accessories. I think these small details serve as intimate glimpses into the personality of the person who inhabits the space. I think it is so beautiful when a room can effortlessly combine old pieces with new ones. Repainting or refinishing old furniture is a great way to retain its personality, while making it suit your taste and fit with the rest of the room's environment. I am also a sucker for persian rugs! I think they add warmth and richness to any room, and they don't have to make a room victorian at all, think bohemian! Oh, and definitely remember to incorporate small pops of color if you are going for a monochromatic look. Every space needs a focal point! 


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